Tuesday 3 April 2018

3/4/18 - Happy Tuesday! University Inspired Writing Prompt

Happy Tuesday! University Inspired Writing Prompt!

Today, 3/4/18, is the next instalment of University Inspired Writing Prompts. Since my first year at university, I have been compiling a collection of writing prompts inspired by my time studying in Derby. I hope that these prompts help you create your own works!

All of these prompts are dialogue based, and are inspired by real conversations I have been part of whilst at university.

"You were so drunk you couldn't walk downstairs. We had to get the most sober guys at the party to carry you down the stairs. But one of them...may have dropped you and you went tumbling down a flight of stairs."

The above prompt derived from an experience several months ago, when my friends and I went to an acquaintance's flat party. We found that having a night with the other guests to be a lot of fun; not only did we get control of the music, we were surrounded by laughter! But later in the night, one of our friends had had a few too many shots. And as the prompt suggested, they eventually got dropped down the stairs as we attempted to take them home They were fine though!

I hope that this prompt inspired something - even if it was just a smile
Thank you for reading!
And remember:
Per Ardua Ad Astra
- Imogen. L. Smiley

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