Thursday 26 April 2018

26/4/18 - Monthly Film Reviews - About Time

Hello everyone! Today is the eighth installment of this segment. Once or twice a month I will be writing and posting reviews of films that I watch. Some may be older, having been released years ago and others may be new cinematic releases. Throughout this year, I hope to share my opinions of films with you and hopefully persuade you to give the film a watch if you haven't already!

Great! So what exactly will I be discussing in these reviews?
Character and their development
Viewer Engagement
My favourite moment
My least favourite moment
Anything else!

So... which film is going to be the subject of my eighth  Film Review on my blog?

About Time (2013)

The following review WILL contain spoilers

The premise of this story is brilliant. The men in Tim's family can travel back in time; they have the power to go back to moments they remember in their lives and relive them. The story follows Tim, who is twenty-one at the beginning of this film, throughout his life as he tries to work out how to make the most out of his powers whilst also trying not to change the future ahead of him. The film starts out sounding more like a comedy than a heart-wrenching film. Don't let the happy faces in the poster fool you - this film is a complete tear-jerker! And I loved every moment of it!

Character and their development:
I absolutely adore Tim's character! He develops smoothly, his actions relatable as a twenty-year-old, bumbling her way through the adult world. He is clumsy and foolish, makes mistakes and regrets the choices he made, actively seeking to right his wrongs.
As the story progresses, you get to watch as Tim matures, finding love, getting married and starting a family. But things aren't sunshine and rainbows for him. His sister, "KitKat", ends up in a road traffic accident due to being intoxicated, and of course, as any sibling would, Tim wishes to keep his sister from being hurt and seeks to change it, only to be faced by horrifying consequences that haunt him later in the story after his father falls ill.
I adore Tim's character - he is human; awkward, selfish and optimistic, he's sentimental and he is appreciative of the power he has inherited.

Viewer Engagement
I found this story captivating. I am generally a big fan of stories that involve time travel. As a sci-fi nerd, I tend to watch films with these premise's to hunt for time travel paradoxes. And admittedly, there were several moments which could constitute a paradox, I found myself more enthralled by Tim's journey of life and self as opposed to pointing out potential logistical faults with this story. It was very enjoyable.

My favourite moment
My all-time favourite moment in this film would have to be when Tim went back in time to constantly correct what he said to his old flame, Charlotte when he met with her again for the first time in a few times. He kept experiencing panic induced foot-in-the-mouth moments which he sought to correct by going back in time. Not only was it hilarious to watch, but it was so human and authentic. Many films I have seen are hesitant to paint their protagonists as being flawed and awkward human beings. About Time had no such reservations!

My least favourite moment
Finding out that Tim's father had cancer was a rollercoaster ride that I didn't sign up for when I sat down to watch this film. It broke my heart to see such an exchange, it almost felt like I was a fly on the wall and prying into such an intimate and heartbreaking exchange was so sad. I hated watching it, and the subsequent scenes. However the worst part was when Tim made the decision to have another child, despite being aware that he would have to say goodbye to his father at the end of those nine short months. It broke my heart! Me and the girls I watched this film with were all SOBBING like BABIES!!!

Anything else!
Watching this film with my friends was one of the best and worst experiences ever - you had four of us, squished onto the sofas, shouting at my friend that put it on every time something cute and or sad or both happened. 

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