Tuesday 24 April 2018

24/4/18 - Happy Tuesday! University Inspired Writing Prompt!

Happy Tuesday! University Inspired Writing Prompt!

Today, 24/4/18, is the next instalment of University Inspired Writing Prompts. Since my first year at university, I have been compiling a collection of writing prompts inspired by my time studying in Derby. I hope that these prompts help you create your own works!

All of these prompts are dialogue based, and are inspired by real conversations I have been part of whilst at university.


"Hey, do you want to go to a concert with me for my birthday?"
"I don't know...I just had to fork out a lot of money for a new laptop..."
"My parents are paying for the tickets! And it's next semester!"
"But it's exam season next semester!"
"Dude... It's Tokio Myers!"
"Nevermind! Worth failing my exams to see him in concert!"

The above dialogue prompt derived from a conversation I deemed very relevant considering the concert itself is on Friday! It took place in mid-January, when the tickets were being bought for me, as my sister did not want to have to visit from back home for a super-expensive day trip to see an artist she could easily go without seeing. That being said, I'm sure she would have enjoyed the concert! However, instead of my sister, I am getting the privileged to watch the concert from the standing area with my best friend! Originally, as the prompt suggests, she was uncertain as to whether it was worth going to the concert, but relented upon hearing whose concert we would actually be attending!

I hope that this prompt inspired something - even if it was just a smile
Thank you for reading!
And remember:
Per Ardua Ad Astra
- Imogen. L. Smiley

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