Wednesday, 11 April 2018

11/4/18 - Writing Advice Wednesday

Today, 28/3/18, is the sixth instalment of a new series of posts; Writing Advice Wednesday, where my advice to new writers will be shared once every two weeks. 

It is important to remember that my opinions are not law in any way, shape, or form! Not everyone has the same experiences as I do in this field but it is valuable to share opinions on topics to try and help others!

So, what is today's topic? Accumulating an audience!

Admittedly, I am still lacking in the sense of having an audience, but several years ago, I had a much larger group of people wanting to know what I was producing. But how did I get them?

1. Don't be afraid to write fanfiction to get attention - I found myself inspired by reading a piece that a fellow writer and now friend, Katie, created back in 2012. This piece was long-prose and it was fanfiction. Her piece of work motivated me to write my own piece that derived from the same source material. And when I plucked up the courage to post it and tell her about it, she became an immediate supporter. From that one single fanfic, I have acquired several long-term friends that have made up a portion of my audience, regardless of what content I am producing because they simply want to know what I am doing! I don't know whether I would be this motivated without them! So shout-out to Katie, Ellen, Ryan, Den, Alex and Bre for dealing with me for so long and supporting my works!

2. Regardless of what you are writing, keep it consistent - I managed to expand my audience on one specific account by posting short but regular updates on a daily basis, producing short chapters that tended to be between 800 and 1500 words in length that would be posted every day without fail. I did this for two months and managed to acquire an increase of over 100 followers on that account. Consistency got me an audience. The fact my work was constantly at the top of the "recently updated" section online allowed me to gain an increased readership. In a week of absence, readers would have seven chapters worth of content to immerse themselves in! It was a great system that I had devised!

3. Maintain a presence - I am very guilty of not taking my own advice in reference to this article in particular - but when I was using a previous account, during a painful extended hiatus from writing updates for my stories, I found myself still constantly checking the happenings on the website, supporting my fellow writers and their own works. I found that despite not being able to join in on the writing front, keeping my account active, meant that my followers were not losing interest in what I was producing!

Thank you for reading!

And remember:

Per Ardua Ad Astra!

- Imogen. L. Smiley

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