Monday 9 April 2018

9/4/18 - Monday Book Review - Private Peaceful

Today, 9/4/18 is the second instalment a series of Monday Book Reviews, expressing my personal opinions on works of fiction. Today, I will be looking upon a piece called Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo!

This book was one of my favourites as a child and one that I happily picked back up again when I found out that I would be studying and creating works that looked at war and peace for one of my modules this semester. Although it took me a while to finally get to read it again, I blitzed through it in about two hours and felt like I was catching up with an old friend. The sense of nostalgia that derived from reading this piece was amazing! On that fact alone, I would recommend reading it, or even better, rereading it!

There seemed to be so many amazing aspects to this book that I had missed when I read it as a child, and I found it so enaging and familiar. The story itself, is generally grim and sad, telling the tale of Tommo as he fights in World War One alongside his older brother Charlie, and their fates during the conflict. It was very emotive as an older sibling to read of the level of sacrifices that the pair happened to make for one another. I cried at the end. I always do.

Morpurgo wrote such a beautiful and real story that it tended to be hard to swallow. The idea of underaged men going to war for the sake of glory and losing their lives before they were legally old enough to enlist was a reality for many during World War One. I am so happy to have read this again! It really is spectacular!

Thank you for reading! See you in two weeks for another instalment of Monday Book Reviews!
And remember:
Per Ardua Ad Astra
-Imogen. L. Smiley

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