Tuesday 13 March 2018

13/3/18 - Happy Tuesday! University Inspired Writing Prompt!

Happy Tuesday! University Inspired Writing Prompt!

Today, 13/3/18, is the next instalment of University Inspired Writing Prompts. Since my first year at university, I have been compiling a collection of writing prompts inspired by my time studying in Derby. I hope that these prompts help you create your own works!

All of these prompts are dialogue based, and are inspired by real conversations I have been part of whilst at university.


"Oh my gosh I thought I was going to die in there!"
"I know, right! I saw my life flash in front of my eyes...I mean, I didn't but you know what I mean."
"You two are crazy. For Christ's sake the lift JOLTED, we wouldn't have gone plummeting to our deaths!"
"Well I hope not, I only just finished my coursework, if I knew I was going to die, I wouldn't have done it!"

This prompt is inspired by an event which took place toward the latter end of last semester, when my classmates and I had been allowed out of our Screenwriting Class for a brief recess. We climbed into the lift so we didn't have to climb down nine flights of stairs for food, and as we were approaching the fourth floor there was a huge bang noise and the lift was still for a moment. After a few seconds of silent panic, the lift resumed moving toward the ground floor. The conversation above was between some of my classmates as we approached the small food shop in our atrium, after reporting the issue with the lift. In the end we took the second lift back up to class to recount the "near death experience".

It was only then that we were informed that a lift couldn't plummet to the ground in the UK due to the shafts being built in a different manner when compared to other places. But at the time, we didn't know that at all!

I hope this prompt inspired something, even if it was just a smile!
Thank you for reading!
And remember:
Per Ardua Ad Astra!
- Imogen. L. Smiley

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