Wednesday 17 January 2018

17/1/18 - Writing Advice Wednesday

Today, 17/1/18, is the second instalment of a new series of posts; Writing Advice Wednesday, where my advice to new writers will be shared once every two weeks. 

It is important to remember that my opinions are not law in any way, shape, or form! Not everyone has the same experiences as I do in this field but it is valuable to share opinions on topics to try and help others! 

Now for the topic of today’s post! Time management. I figured this would be relevant, since I am still struggle with this and with the next semester being right around the corner, it is more than relevant! SOOOO… let’s get started!
So! How have I been working with managing my time?
1. Set priorities!
When it comes down to it, in the eyes of the uni is that your degree comes first. I’m just lucky enough that my degree is in creative writing, so even when the prompts we are given aren’t ideal for what I particularly want to write in the future, I am doing what I love.
My priorities go as follows:
((mental health, when applicable)), Degree, job hunting, boosting my creative CV, social life, writing for leisure, etc.
2. Multi-task where possible
I am a sucker for multi-tasking, I find it so convenient and it’s great to take advantage of! I tend to be social with friends from home whilst eating dinner and do my assignments while I’m cooking. I will mull over content etc. while walking to uni and try to keep tabs on other writing blogs etc. to keep my content flow up. If you can take advantage of any ways to squeeze two tasks into one window, do it!
I am a very irate person. When people complain about not having time to write, I get quite annoyed at them. One friend was waiting for her grandma to collect her and take her to uni, and was on Facebook, complaining of her lack of time. I told her to simply exit Facebook and start writing on her phone / in a notebook / on her laptop. She didn't appreciate that, let's just say that! 
If you can make sacrifices, you should. I said to my friends I wouldn’t be joining them during my free periods with them during NaNoWriMo 2015 until I had hit the minimum word count for the day. I would just sit and sit and sit in the library and write until I felt satisfied, had class, or was hungry. I made sure that my NaNo Project, Neon Blood had top priority due to having made it the central focus of my Extended Project. My dedication to it resulted in me getting one mark off perfection at the end of the qualification! I was so proud!
So yes! Make time to write! It is important to make time for your writing when you can! When you want to pursue this area of the craft as a career, there are always small gaps in time you can dedicate to your creative process; when I was working over the summer, I used to ponder the plot-lines of my works. I would type up anything I could come up with on the spot when I was on my way back and then type the pieces up coherently between the time I got back and my next meal, whether it be lunch or dinner. 

Thank you for reading! I hope I helped in one way, shape, or form!
And remember:
Per Ardua Ad Astra!
- Imogen. L. Smiley

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