Monday 7 May 2018

7/5/18 - Monday Book Reviews - Simon Vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda

Finally, I've had enough time to go back and re-read this amazing book! I absolutely adored it the first time around and the movie was great, you can find my review for it here! So now, FINALLY, it's time to turn around and review this book!

There were many aspects of this book that I would like to praise:

For one - the fact that Simon and his love story is not trivialised in any way shape or form for being a same sex relationship. Albertalli works hard to make sure that this love story is no different from any other. Not only that but the fact that the story featured other LGBT characters such as Blue and Leah demonstrated that statistically, there are more LGBT+ people that surround you than you probably think.

I was also delighted to read such a diverse social group.As someone who comes from a diverse group of friends of different races, religions, gender identities and sexualities, it was refreshing to see a mixed group of friends that was similar to my own in such a way. After all, it's just as Simon so eloquently says within the story:

"White shouldn't be the default any more than straight should be the default. There shouldn't even be a default."

The plot itself is immensely captivating. The reader, like Simon finds their-self stuck in a back and forth, attempting to work out which character is Blue. You could be like me, who struggled to crack it until right before Simon worked it out himself, or like my friend Emma, who cracked it with half a book to go by examining conventions in YA Literature. Regardless of her guessing correctly at the halfway mark, she enjoyed it too!

A book like this was something that the LGBT+ community ever so desperately needed, and it has become an international phenomenon, with quotes from Albertalli's story and the film adaptation of her work, striking chords with LGBT people and allies alike.

I would 110% recommend reading this book! It is amazing!

Thank you for reading!
And remember:
Per Ardua Ad Astra!
- Imogen. L. Smiley

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